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"Their performance is like an amazing fireworks display, so brilliant that the walls of the hall barely contained it"
Ttela Newspaper (Sweden)
“Compact, full of enamel and exuberance, a real revelation. The Indaco Quartet has strings in its quiver that score for clear precision, concentration and great skill ”.
The Journal of Vicenza
"The Indaco surprised me for the quality of the sound, the impeccable combination and the commitment to make the dialogue between the instruments intelligible"
The Fruitful Seed: Amadeus 12/17/2018

"The musicians made Beethoven's intentions sublime, with light and delicate touches in the Adagi or more energetic and gritty in the Allegri or Vivace, in perfect communion with their instrument and in harmony with the other members of the group, through particular looks of understanding. The harmony of the performance allowed the audience to feel fully involved in the overwhelming or calm rhythm, in an ecstatic abandonment of the soul. "
Martina Ragone for Il Messaggero Italiano 08/02/2019 on
Roll Over Beethoven for Micat in Vertice at the Chigiana di Siena
"... Well, the Cavalcade we heard at the Giovanni Arvedi Auditorium, also redone in the very generous encores, was something absolutely new and intriguing. A rewriting and arrangement curated by that genius of Uri Caine on the piano, with the accordion of Ted Reichman and with the strings of the Indaco Quartet that dragged the audience into a mixture of romanticism, virtuosity and narrative force ... "
Cremona Today 30.09.2019
Ride of the Valkyries from ovation for Caine, Reichman and Indigo quartet
I conclude with a dutiful and special commendation to the renewed Indaco Quartet which, as announced, last week performed at the MA.MU. - in a state of absolute grace - the Quartet in F major by Ravel and the Quintet in G major, opera 111 by Brahms. Two perfect performances, exciting and strongly participated by young musicians who have achieved a magnificent sound and an exemplary amalgam, and who have fully entered the elite of the most important Italian Quartets.
Milan Archipelago 07/01/2020 Paolo Viola
"... the performance of the young - but already established - Quartetto INDACO does not fail in its task, that of knowing how to grasp the composer's sounds and ideas, injecting them directly into the mind and heart of the listener."
Songs after the apocalypse Quartetto Indaco - Andrea Portera, five stars on TGmusic.it, reviewed by Gabriele Cupaiolo 18/01/2021
"Together with them there are other chamber musicians to be rediscovered: the Indaco Quartet, for example, led by the determined Eleonora Matsuno, first Hispanic, between Ravel and Turina, and then contemporary, with a series of Dante's songs by today's authors, in absolute premiere . Perfect, mirrored in the Corte Beccaguti Cavriani collection. "
Il Sole 24 ore 06/06/2021
The exhibition of the Quartetto Indaco was characterized by harmony and it was a journey of beautiful sensations and feelings that showed the professionalism of the group and its diversity in the musical method, which impressed the audience.
Kuwait Times 12/13/2021
"The performance This Indigo quartet we heard last night is of excellent quality, and convinced us for the purity of its acoustics, very high, for the instrumental amalgamation, for the intonation, and for a conception of the sound that we have. seemed addressed to an inner concentration and a rather unusual "gravity" in a young formation ...
The drafting is of great quality, and immediately makes us perceive the beautiful sound of Indigo, compact, elegant, transparent and above all dense with color ...
You can perceive the care with which the boys have mastered a soft draft, a light and velvety Proustian page, respecting its elegant fragility ...
At the Quartet op. 51 n. 2 by Brahms, the notion of sound implemented by the young guests has not changed. The same density wisely filtered, the same meditated lightness, and, above all, the evocation of a persuasive and enveloping timbre, a caress on one of the most problematic scores of Brahmsian chamber music. We have heard many versions of this masterpiece, but rarely has the spell of pure lyricism been touched, as in this case. "
the Journal of the Umbrians 10/01/2022

"... what has struck (of the quartet) is the all-round compactness of the whole, that is the highest and rarest quality of the staff in question. Only the greatest quartets achieve such cohesion that it is difficult to grasp the differences between the components, while the performances travel as the result of a single interpretative hand. This is exactly what Indigo presented ... "
Bernardino Zappa for L'eco di Bergamo 10/01/2022

The wonderful and iridescent musical paths of the Indaco quartet.
Pier Carlo Guglielmero for Alessandria 24.com
A sheen of beautiful sound, immaculate execution, perfection of balance, and an overall sense of refinement surrounded the playing of the Indaco Quartet, which also showed itself capable of projecting even the faintest trace of sound without effort and putting forth great volumes of sound with never a trace of ugliness.
Robert Markow 16/05/2023